Calendar 25 - 13 Years Anniversary Calendar Asset Management Edition
2024.11最終更新 / last update: 2024 12/02 12:30 JST
毎年の売り物、カレンダーのショッピングガイドです。それがどんなものかを知りたい方はこちらをご覧ください。 毎年100字〜300字をあたらしく描き、昨年までの数字から一部入れ替えています。今年も一応新しく描いていたのですが、10月時点で十分な数を作るのは間に合わないと判断し、2025年版では新録は無しとしました。代わりに12年分のアーカイブ2592字から出来のいいレタリングを集めた13周年記念バージョンを制作しました。サイズや形式は昨年と変わっていません。 A3サイズ、6枚綴り裏表印刷、表紙付き、ビニール製パック入り、2,500円。販売元の情報は、準備出来次第こちらに更新します。販売開始日はそれぞれのお店によって前後します。Twitterもご覧ください。
Here is the shopping guide of the Calendar. Please visit here if you want to know what it is. Every year I have made 100-300 new numerals and replaced old ones with them. Although I drew some new ones this year but in the October I realized there was no time to finish enough number of them. I decided I don’t make new drawings for this year and choose better ones from 2592 numerals the 12 years archive, mostly from before 2020 instead. It’s 13 Years Anniversary Calendar and named Asset Management Edition. The size and materials are exactly the same as before. i9,l; A3, 6 sheets printed on both sides + cover page, all in a vinyl envelope. 2,500jpy. Information about the retailers will be updated here and Twitter. Pre order will start soon.
Shop List
● NEW PURE + (online & physical store - Osaka, Japan) IN STOCK
● トースト to-ti store (online store - Tokyo, Japan) IN STOCK
● Letterform Archive (online store - CA, US) IN STOCK
● dear friend books (physical store - NY, US) IN STOCK
● GOAT (online & physical store - Tokyo, Japan) IN STOCK
● 埼玉県立近代美術館ミュージアムショップ (physical store - Saitama, Japan) IN STOCK
● YOMS (online & physical store - Takamatsu, Japan) IN STOCK
● HIGHTIDE STORE (physical store - Fukuoka, Japan) IN STOCK
● 重本書店 Weight Books (online & physical store - Taipei, Taiwan) IN STOCK
Calendar 24
2023.11最終更新 / last update: 2023 12/21 11:00 JST
毎年の売り物、カレンダーのショッピングガイドです。それがどんなものかを知りたい方はこちらをご覧ください。今年は101字が新しく描かれた数字です。 A3サイズ、6枚綴り裏表印刷、表紙付き、ビニール製パック入り、2,500円。販売元の情報は、準備出来次第こちらに更新します。販売開始日はそれぞれのお店によって前後します。Twitterもご覧ください。
Here is the shopping guide of the Calendar. Please visit here if you want to know what it is. This year, 101 numerals are replaced by new ones. A3, 6 sheets printed on both sides + cover page, all in a vinyl envelope. 2,500jpy. Information about the retailers will be updated here and Twitter. Pre order will start soon.
Shop List
● NEW PURE + (online & physical store - Osaka, Japan)
● トースト to-ti store (online store - Tokyo, Japan)
● Letterform Archive (online store - CA, US) IN STOCK
● dear friend books (physical store - NY, US)
● GOAT (online & physical store - Tokyo, Japan)
● 埼玉県立近代美術館ミュージアムショップ (physical store - Saitama, Japan)
● YOMS (online & physical store - Takamatsu, Japan)
● HIGHTIDE STORE (physical store - Fukuoka, Japan)
● 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT ショップ (physical store - Tokyo, Japan)
Calendar 23
2022.11最終更新 / last update: 2022 11/24 22:30 JST
毎年の売り物、カレンダーのショッピングガイドです。それがどんなものかを知りたい方はこちらをご覧ください。今年は309字が新しく描かれた数字です。 A3サイズ、6枚綴り裏表印刷、表紙付き、ビニール製パック入り、2,500円。販売元の情報は、準備出来次第こちらに更新します。販売開始日はそれぞれのお店によって前後します。Twitterもご覧ください。
Here is the shopping guide of the Calendar. Please visit here if you want to know what it is. This year, 309 numerals are replaced by new ones. A3, 6 sheets printed on both sides + cover page, all in a vinyl envelope. 2,500jpy. Information about the retailers will be updated here and Twitter. Pre order will start soon.
Shop List
● Letterform Archive (online store - CA, USA)
● Index (online store - NY, USA)
● NEW PURE + (online & physical store - Osaka, Japan)
● GOAT (online & physical store - Tokyo, Japan)
● トースト to-ti store (online store - Tokyo, Japan)
● YOMS (online & physical store - Takamatsu, Japan)
● HIGHTIDE STORE (physical store - Fukuoka, Japan)
● HIGHTIDE STORE Miyashita Park (physical store - Tokyo, Japan)
● 埼玉県立近代美術館ミュージアムショップ (physical store - Saitama, Japan)
Calendar 22
2021.12最終更新 / last update: 2021 12/22 17:35 JST
毎年の売り物、カレンダーのショッピングガイドです。それがどんなものかを知りたい方はこちらをご覧ください。今年は163字が新しく描かれた数字です。 A3サイズ、6枚綴り裏表印刷、表紙付き、ビニール製パック入り、2,500円。販売元の情報は、準備出来次第こちらに更新します。販売開始日はそれぞれのお店によって前後します。Twitterもご覧ください。
Here is the shopping guide of the Calendar. Please visit here if you want to know what it is. This year, 163 numerals are replaced by new ones. A3, 6 sheets printed on both sides + cover page, all in a vinyl envelope. 2,500jpy. Information about the retailers will be updated here and Twitter. Pre order will start from mid December but some of them can start selling later.
Shop List
● NEW PURE + (online store / Osaka)
● GOAT (online store / Tokyo)
● トースト to-ti store (online store)
● YOMS (online store / Takamatsu)
● Letterform Archive (online store)
Quasi-Slogan T
2020.10I was luckily invited as one of the first artists to Merch By Amazon which is launched in Japan in the autumn 2020. The text-like drawing on the Quasi-Slogan T is seemingly meaningful but actually meaningless. It's up to you how you read it.
Amazon Fashion による オンデマンド・サービス Merch by Amazon の日本展開開始に伴うキャンペーンとして、アイテムの制作を依頼され、販売中です。 Quasi-Slogan Tに書かれたスローガンは意味ありげですが、実際は意味のないただの模様です。ご自分でお好きなように読みを当てていただいて結構です。
People in the Forest
2020.08I took part in NATURE IS NOT YOUR HOUSEHOLD, a charity poster project for the maintaining forests project More Trees. You can purchase the 13 posters by Yoshiki MURAMATSU, Yoko YUKI, Mariko OKAZAKI, Shun SASAKI, Gregory Ambos and more at the website below.
Honestly what I worked on in this opportunity was something quite personal; I wanted to draw the landscape of a forest along the Toné in Toride city where I lived for just one year when I was a university student. Somehow this beautiful river-side woods impressed me in a slightly weird way. I don’t know why but it felt like there were a group of mysterious and shy hermits in the forest...